Display Modules


1. Set up your Module Manager with the module name and dependencies:

    moduleType: 'display',
    apiName: 'test-chart',
    className: 'TestChart',
    dependencies: []
The moduleType is always ‘display’ - because its a Display Module.
The apiName can be everything.
The className should be aligned with the apiName
Within the dependencies array, you can set libraries your Display Module uses if you don’t want to load them in your html file. At the moment only d3.js, c3.js, nvd3.js and dataTable.js are supported from the dependencyManager.

2. Getting the data from the html file and defining the module property presets:

plastic.modules.display.PieChart = function($el, elAttr) {
    "use strict";

    this.$el = $el;
    this.elAttr = elAttr;

    this.displayOptionsSchema = {

        "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
        "title": "Test Chart",

        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "testProperty": {
                "title": "Test Property",
                "description": "To test a property",
                "type": "number",
                "default": 666,
                "minimum": 0,
                "maximum": 1000
        "additionalProperties": false,
        "required": []


    this.processedDataSchema = {};

Within the properties object, you can define property presets and their minimum, maximum or defaults.
The entities within the testProperty are adjusted to work with our automatic generated option documentation and should be used in the same way.

3. Prototype your Test Chart:

plastic.modules.display.PieChart.prototype = {

    validate: function () {


    execute function () {


    mapData: function (data) {


    update: function () {



4. Use the validation:

validate: function () {
    "use strict";

    return false; // No Errors

5. Define the visuals of your module:

execute: function () {
    "use strict";

    var data = this.elAttr.data.processed;

    var svg = this.$el.append('<svg></svg>');

    var options = this.elAttr.display.options;

    var mappedData = this.mapData(data);

    var visualisation;

    // Visual Stuff //

    return visualisation;


6. Map the source-data to your visualisation:

mapData: function(data) {
    "use strict";

    var mappedData = [];

    // Mapping Stuff //

    return mappedData;

7. And update your visualisation if something has changed:

update: function() {
    "use strict";



Adding a plastic-js div in your html file.

<div id="test-sparql-query" class="plastic-js" style="height: 300px; width: 100%;">

    <script class="plastic-data" type="application/json" data-url="../data/test.json" data-format="sparql-json"></script>

    <script class="plastic-display" data-display-module="test-chart" type="application/json">
            "testProperty": 333
