A JavaScript Data Display Framework
INFO: plastic.js is currently in alpha phase. Excpect issues!
What is it about?
plastic.js is a JavaScript framework that simplifies the common tasks of data retrieval, processing and representation.
It is not meant to replace existing visualization / data processing libraries but to integrate them into one bigger, coherent framework.
For the best way to getting started, take a look at the user documentation!
Also, there's an online presentation and a paper about plastic.js
- Open Source at GitHub
- Modular architecture that is easy to extend
- Asynchronous architecture that loads and displays the data independent from the rest of your site
- Platform independend
Data Retrieval
- Quering data from remote APIs and databases! SPARQL and SemanticMediaWikis are supported.
- Load data from files in various formats
- Directly embed your data into the plastic tag
Data Processing
- Support for various data formats
- Provides a simple and an advanced default data format
Data Display
- Several Display modules that rely on already existing and mature libraries
- Lazy loads additional dependencies for you automatically
Check out some of the (live) examples with documentation below:
Simple Table
Advanced Table
Bar Chart
Pie Chart
Line Chart